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Health Benefits of Feeling Positive

Photo by Julia Avamotive from Pexels

Positivity is something that everyone aspires to achieve day in and day out. Feelings such as joy, satisfaction, contentment, happiness, and positivity make life more enjoyable. Being happier makes you feel better, and it also has a ton of positive health benefits. Here are some ways that feeling positive makes you a healthier person. 

Happiness Boosts the Immune System

Research has found that being happier can help strengthen your immune system. Studies have found that grumpy, less happy people are 3x more likely to develop the common cold than someone who is much more optimistic. These individuals are also less likely to develop chest infections and have a higher antibody count. 

Positivity Combats Stress

Higher levels of stress cause an increase in the hormone cortisol, which contributes to the harmful side of stress, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and poor sleep. On the other hand, happiness tempers these effects, helps us recover quickly, and produces lower cortisol levels in response to stress. 

Happiness Helps Your Heart

Happiness reduces blood pressure and decreases the risk of heart disease, one of the top leading causes of death worldwide. It also reduces the risk of a stroke in individuals. Strokes happen when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted, resulting in a loss of physical control and responsiveness. 

Positivity Promotes Better Lifestyle and Lengthens Life Expectancy

When you are happy, you are more likely to eat healthier diets full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You are also more likely to be physically active, exercise more, and promote healthier lifestyle habits. As a result of these changes, you are also likely to live longer as you are taking care of your physical well-being and your mental and emotional well-being.