Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer

Protecting the Monarch Butterfly

No matter how small, every animal has a vital role in the ecosystem, and monarch butterflies are no different. They pollinate the flowers they visit and are a food source for wasps, lizards, birds, spiders, etc. According to Dick Davis, Execute Director for Texas Discovery Gardens, “monarchs are an ‘indicator species. They tell us how Mother Nature is feeling.”

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Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer

Celebration of Spring

Spring symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth. The days become longer, temperatures slowly warm-up, and flowers sprout up all around us. Due to these reasons – and many more – that spring is the best time of year to spend time outside. Whether going on a walk in the park, planting new flowers and herbs in my garden, sitting on my porch, or just exploring Mother Nature, I am outside all the time. And what better way to honor my favorite season than by observing the spring equinox tomorrow.

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