Food & Drink Jordan Kiefer Food & Drink Jordan Kiefer

Best Coffee Shops in Allen

Luckily for us caffeine lovers, North Texas boosts a thriving coffee scene, including my hometown of Allen. Whether you’re a local or an out-of-town visitor, these are the top 5 coffee shops in Allen that will draw you back repeatedly.

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Travel Jordan Kiefer Travel Jordan Kiefer

Maui Travel Tips

A vacation to Maui is the trip of a lifetime – a wonderful, beautiful, and fun experience you will never forget. Here are the top tips you need to know before journeying to this tropical paradise.

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Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer

Protecting the Monarch Butterfly

No matter how small, every animal has a vital role in the ecosystem, and monarch butterflies are no different. They pollinate the flowers they visit and are a food source for wasps, lizards, birds, spiders, etc. According to Dick Davis, Execute Director for Texas Discovery Gardens, “monarchs are an ‘indicator species. They tell us how Mother Nature is feeling.”

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Health & Fitness Jordan Kiefer Health & Fitness Jordan Kiefer

How to Care for Your Friends & Family with Depression

One of the most commonly diagnosed is depression. Seeing a loved one struggling with depression is heart-wrenching in its own right, but it’s even more so when you don’t know what to do to help that family member or friend. While every person’s situation and personality are different, anyone can do a few things to help a loved one move towards healing and recovery. 

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Health & Fitness Jordan Kiefer Health & Fitness Jordan Kiefer

Health Benefits of Feeling Positive

Positivity is something that everyone aspires to achieve day in and day out. Feelings such as joy, satisfaction, contentment, happiness, and positivity make life more enjoyable. Being happier makes you feel better, and it also has a ton of positive health benefits. Here are some ways that feeling positive makes you a healthier person. 

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Food & Drink Jordan Kiefer Food & Drink Jordan Kiefer

Favorite Recipe - Margherita Pizza

Recently, I’ve started surfing the web and browsing through cookbooks, looking for new, delicious recipes to try. My goal is to learn how to make different dishes to have a nice variety of foods to choose from when planning out meals. First up on my list is pizza, as it is my go-to dish. Fortunately, I found this delicious Margherita pizza recipe from A Beautiful Plate.

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Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer Mother Nature Jordan Kiefer

Celebration of Spring

Spring symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth. The days become longer, temperatures slowly warm-up, and flowers sprout up all around us. Due to these reasons – and many more – that spring is the best time of year to spend time outside. Whether going on a walk in the park, planting new flowers and herbs in my garden, sitting on my porch, or just exploring Mother Nature, I am outside all the time. And what better way to honor my favorite season than by observing the spring equinox tomorrow.

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Home & Garden Jordan Kiefer Home & Garden Jordan Kiefer

How to Start an Herb Garden

It may seem daunting, but having a herb garden is very easy (not to mention delicious). This lovely garden helps bring beauty to your outdoor space and mouth-watering flavor to your food. Whether you want to get into herb gardening as a hobby or to be more financially responsible and healthier, here are some easy steps to help you begin…

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Lifestyle Jordan Kiefer Lifestyle Jordan Kiefer

Ways to Spend the Day Off

Whether it is a holiday or a weekend, my days off are sacred. I cherish the time I spend either by myself or with family or friends. Here are a few ways that I love to spend my days off…

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